Tuesday, February 24, 2009


*One thousand two thousand three thousand......*
*Performs rescue breathing*


Ok lame. Cant stand myself. Anw, just here to revive the blog. I shall talk about what I've learn in Science Centre after working for 1.5 month.

1. Albert Einstein not only has supreme intelligence, he also has almost unlimited strength that allows him to climb up the rope forever. And ever.

2. You'll always hear an explosion of hydrogen-filled balloons the 4th time the tesla coil is activated everyday during the 3pm tesla coil demonstration.

3. 70% of our body is made up of water.

4. If 1% of the water in our body is gone, we'll feel thirsty.

That means... we'll feel thirsty when 0.7% of our weight is lost due to perspiration.
Assuming that the mass of a person is 60kg, 0.7% of that would be 420g. And if you still think this amount isn't impressive, look at this.

420g of water = (420 / 18) x 6.02 x 10^23
= 1.40 x 10^25 molecules of water (to 3 s.f)

Impressive isn't it? The numerial value is even more than the no. of durians you eat a day. Amazing.

5. Newton owns a room. It's called Newton's room.

6. Einstein is gay. He always climbs to up to the 2nd floor to peep at Newton's room.

7. The thunderbolt is not caused by Pikachu. Perhaps Raichu.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Feeling emo? Maybe not!

Today is one of those days when you feel that everyone's so busy, too busy to talk to the bored you. Well I don't know whether you feel this way but at least that's how I feel. This can be an emo day. However, all feelings came right from us. We can control our thinking and hence our feelings. For me, I take this day as a day for me to reflect on my life, and plan for my future. I believe that we reach a new level of maturity when we take some time off to reflect. This is also the time that you don't have to share your time with anyone. You have your own time to listen to your favourite music, to play your games, to do what you want to do. It's not a bad thing after all, provided that this doesn't last for long. If it does, then something must be wrong with you and your life. If you feel like me someday, just chill and relax. Kthxbyegoodluckhavefuneverybody.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

1 min of reflection

Alright firstly.. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

Before we welcome the new year, let's have one min of reflection of the things in 2008.

There are a few lessons learnt in 2008.

1. Everything will turn out right in the end. If they don't, then you won't be here reading this and I wont be even typing this.

2. The time on the clock will keep ticking unless there's no battery in it.

3. If you are not a guy, you are a girl.

4. Everything comes and go away. Otherwise, you'll have everything now.


Alright on a more serious note, let's us cherish what we have now. kthxbyegoodluckhavefun.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Red / Blue

Which do you think is cuter? Tag you opinion!



Monday, November 17, 2008

Plan Essssssscape

Light pack v1.3

1. Pencil
2. Eraser
3. Extra Lead
3. GC
4. Entryproof
5. Wallet(with ez link)

Mwuahahaha! It's too late for you all to read this!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ah ah ah ah ah AH AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Woot that means
only 80 questions left to the end of A levels!

Were planning to go IRC for lan after econs but the super nice weather made us changed our mind.

And wow! Dad shouted at mum for the first time in life. My mum was yelling at me for stupid stuff like not drinking tea, did not take out the empty shampoo container.......... and then my dad suddenly shouted at her and scolded a few vulgars. Stunned but man.

And then i was at the corridor, going to throw the rubbish bag into the chute. The corridor looked so cool. The lights were not on. The surroundings were wet. But both ends of the corridor, my house and my neighbor's were bright and light. It really looks like some sort of movie scene. Cool.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My family (我的家庭 )

某天 ~ 黃淙暐的老師 ~在課堂上出習題 ~


我家住在深山中,每次要出去買東西,都相當麻煩,開保時捷要 5 小時,開賓士也要4 小時;雖然家裡有直昇機,但是開到那邊很難找到停機位,相當的不方便。

我 偶爾也會出去逛街,爸媽怕我被綁架,隨身有 20 多個保鑣保護著,大家看到我都嚇跑了,所以我從小就開始被排斥...... 因為家裡是在深山,每次到了冬天都非常冷,爸爸也說,出去買東西很麻煩,所以冬天沒有暖爐 ...沒有棉被 ...每天只能陪著爸媽燒錢取暖 ... 而睡覺的時候,也只能蓋著錢睡覺 (我覺得英鎊比較溫暖) 。

記得小時候,有一次,因為房間太大,還來不及跑出房間,就尿褲子了。所以,爸爸在我房間放了一台小綿羊機車,好讓我能在 10分鐘以內,衝出 1000 坪的房間,穿越 5公里的走廊,到達 800 坪的廁所 (我常常在走廊迷路 ) 。

爸爸又另外叫人加蓋了 20間 600坪裡面有著250 坪小廁所的破房間。爸爸說:以後如果尿濕了,直接換房間,如果房間不夠或是太小的話,再告訴爸爸,爸爸再叫人來多蓋幾間,我們的生活很辛苦,你要忍著點!!


 還記得有一次,家裡遭小偷,因為他用炸藥炸壞了我爸的保險箱,使得裡面的金幣不斷的往外滾出來,結果竟把那個小偷壓死了 .......我覺得那個小偷好可憐 ......
金幣壓死人是很痛的!! 他不像之前那個被鈔票悶死的小偷一樣幸運。

 所以我從小養成了刻苦耐勞精神,我將來的志願,是要找 200 隻會吃錢的怪物,好把家裡的錢都吃光,為那些可憐的小偷報仇!!

